Title: Strange and Unusual
Series: Battle Crows MC, Book
Author: Lani Lynn Vale
Release Date: August 23, 2022
About the Book
The moment he divorced his ex-wife, Jeremiah decided two things.
One, he would never, ever get into that kind of situation again—i.e., marriage.
Two, he would spend more time doing what he loved—baking, riding motorcycles, spending time with the Battle Crows MC, and getting some quiet time for just himself. Pretty much doing the things he enjoyed, that his ex-wife could no longer ruin.
And, months after his divorce was final, he’s held strong.
He hasn’t gotten entangled with a woman. He’s opened his own bakery. And he’s never been closer to his club.
It has to be why he allowed them to have a massive club party at his place, which became the cause of Gracelynn Barry entering his life.
If he’d known Gracie was going to be his employee, he definitely wouldn’t have slept with her.
Yet, there he is, in the middle of an interview, finding out not only was the woman he slept with the most viable applicant for a job he very much needed filled, but that she’d recently broken up with the man he loathed. The second reason he’d divorced his ex-wife. Erich. His ex-stepson.
To say life is simple for Jeremiah would be a joke of epic proportions.
It’s time for him to buckle up.
Caroline's Review🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Gotta say, the title is fitting! The author gives us a fast-moving story about Jeremiah Crow and Gracelynn Reed that is funny, super hot, gritty and shocking. As usual, the storyline was unique and unexpected.
Jeremiah and Gracelynn meet at a party where they both end up reading side by side, whilst the party is going on around them. They move from reading to talking, to talking some more, before moving to the bedroom. The next morning, they both realise that he's her new boss. Besides trying to ignore their intense sexual chemistry, they also have to contend with a bitter ex-wife and a psycho ex-boyfriend, who also happens to be Jeremiah's ex-stepson!
I loved Jeremiah and Gracelynn. He was a pretty deep guy, who was thoughtful and observant, and didn't suffer fools gladly. He was majorly put off relationships after his dreadful experience of marriage with his ex, but I loved how quickly Gracelynn changed his stance. Oh my goodness, Gracelynn! She was an amazing character - courageous and resilient through life-changing adversity. Gah! Seriously, I did not expect that plot twist. In all honesty, I balked at the turn of events, but she was magnificent in strength and toughness in the face of what happened to her, and Jeremiah melted my heart with the way he handled everything. Loved it!
Purchase Links
✦ Amazon: https://amzn.to/3J42iJq
✦ Apple: https://apple.co/3POOm8C
✦ Nook: https://bit.ly/3czliU7
✦ Kobo: https://bit.ly/3RX07vC
✦ Audio: https://amzn.to/3wlSntC
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