Monday 1 June 2020

BLOG TOUR & REVIEW: Forbidden Fate by Mary Catherine Gebhard

FORBIDDEN FATE (Crown Point #3) 

by Mary Catherine Gebhard 

Release Date: May 28th 

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Start Grayson and Story's journey in Stolen Soulmate! 



I only had one rule: don’t fall in love with the cruel prince. 
I broke it. 
When the clock struck twelve, I went back to being a servant. 
He promised to let me go with my heart in pieces...but Grayson Crowne was always king at breaking promises. 
I refuse to let him lock me in a tower. 
I have no choice but to take the only out offered to me--another cruel prince. 
Refuge in a man I loathe. 
Rescued from the man I love. 
I wanted to forget Grayson, forget Crowne Hall, and hide, but fate has other plans. 
But if Grayson and I are fated, then our fate is forbidden. 
Our happily ever after will only end one heartbreak.

Caroline's Review

5 Stars

NB: You must read Stolen Soulmate (Crowne Point #2) as this book is a continuation of Story and Grayson's story.

This book!! Read all day and stayed up until 2am to finish it. I feel wrung out and devastated! I honestly don’t know what to do with myself.

"I'd once thought Snitch was poison ivy, but getting her out of me was going to be like ripping out thousand-year-old tree roots."

Grayson and Story AKA Snitch are caught in a diabolical net. Every time Grayson tries to do something to keep her safe, he ends up making things worse. Story is helpless to walk away when her heart and her only family live at Crowne Point.

This story almost drove me mad! I was frustrated, hopeful, excited and horrified. The author wove a tale with such tightly knotted skeins - so hopelessly knotted that I had to wonder how it was going to end. My heart broke for Grayson. He was trying to keep people happy and placate his enemies. He was just one man with no powerful allies. I was holding my breath and clutching my imaginary pearls because this guy!! His compulsion and his actions whenever Story was around was singular and determined in the face of censure and criticism.

"Grayson is a poet, but his lips are his pen, and his kiss is his poetry. And I'm frantic for it."

Story is one tough woman. Honestly, I don't know how she kept pushing forward every day. Life kept dealing her rubbish hands of cruelty, derision and impossible choices. My heart bled for her. Who could she trust? Who could she turn to? Could she really rely on Grayson?

"I couldn't give her anything but this notebook. My hopes. My dreams. Because, forever, they belong to her."

The air was electric between them whenever they were in close proximity and everything else just faded into the background. I felt the tiredness in their bones from fighting just to get through each day, but when they were together, in the quiet of darkness, they were just Story and Gray - equals, lovers, truth. Like the first novel, this book was such a contrast of cruelty and beauty. There were some truly beautiful moments between them that were full of promise, rapture and hope.

"I want to put bruises on your body. I want to put ink in your soul. I want you to do the same to me. Forever."

Story and Gray's tale has left a stain, as indelible as permanent ink, on me. I will think about their twisted love story for a really long time.

About the Author: 
I started writing the moment I could read. My first characters were Wibbley and Squig and I used MS Word and clipart to bring them to life when I was a kid in elementary school. I started seriously thinking about being a writer in High School and I remember the day exactly, because it was such an epiphany. I was always so uncertain. You know how everyone was always asking what you wanted to be when you were older? Well I NEVER could decide. I wanted to be a marine biologist. An actor. A FIRE FIGHTER (thank you Joaquin Phoenix in Ladder 49 for that phase). One day it hit me—A WRITER. I could do it ALL. Then you couldn’t stop me from writing. I penned my first novel at fifteen (but don’t ask me to show it to you, because it’s like I was in competition to beat the thesaurus). When I was diagnosed with a chronic illness, writing became even more important, because it became my therapy. When I wrote my characters, suddenly I wasn’t so alone. These days you can find me daydreaming about where to travel with my husband, singing in my car, or lost in the newest K drama. And planning my next novel, of course   

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